Friday, 23 September 2016

T Ball

It has been a busy week. We had a shared lunch on Wednesday to celebrate the end of Term 3 and a whole school Olympics Fun Day on Friday. Earlier in the week we had a game of T Ball on the field and showed some awesome skills. 





Friday, 16 September 2016

Bee Aware Month and Book Week

We had some visitors from Comvita who shared lots of information about bees with us. September is Bee Aware month. Bees are such fascinating and important creatures and we really need to look after them.

Dan the Bee Man showed us the tools he uses to look after bees.
Mahia wearing a beekeeperś veil.


We had a close up look at a queen bee and all of her workers.

We also celebrated Book Week this week and on Friday we dressed up as our favourite book characters. 

Anthony, Danielle, Tuoro and Roxci in their fabulous costumes.

Friday, 9 September 2016

Money Week and writing samples

We have started learning about money. On Friday we used pretend New Zealand coins and notes to solve change unknown problems.

Rykahdo received a certificate for his wonderful narrative writing at our whole school assembly.

Friday, 2 September 2016

Research and Nets

For geometry we made nets. First we rolled the wooden cubes and traced around each face, then we cut them out and folded the paper on the lines to make our own paper cubes.

We have been researching Hochstetterś frogs. They are one of four New Zealand native frogs and we have found lots of interesting facts.