Sunday, 31 March 2019

Rheumatic fever

We listened to a talk about Rheumatic Fever, a serious illness which often starts with a sore throat and can lead to heart damage. We have throat swabs on Monday, Tuesday and Friday mornings at school. It is important for students to let the teacher know if they have a sore throat.

Here is some more information: 

Kids Health New Zealand

Saturday, 23 March 2019

More FM Guest DJ, shared lunch and poetry

Wairingiringi was a guest speaker on More FM with John, Flash and Toast on Wednesday morning.

She received a $25 New World voucher and used it to buy shared lunch for the whole class. It was delicious!

Thanks Wairingiringi, More FM and New World!
We finally finished our class poem sheet and poetry postcards for #GetNZWriting and they are ready to send to Te Akau ki Papamoa Primary School in Tauranga next Wednesday.

Saturday, 16 March 2019


We have been taking part in Get NZ writing. Last week we created a class poem about the colour blue and this week we are working in pairs to write our own poems.

These are our writing prompts

Jayden and Ibanez researching their coin with a hole in it on the Chromebook.

Great teamwork from Tailah and Ahzaria-Lee. They are copying the poem they created into their writing books.

Manakitanga is arranging the words so they make the most impact and fit onto the postcard template.

Saturday, 9 March 2019

School Noho

We had a lot of fun on our noho this week. The highlights were Paihia beach and Lilypond for swimming and the disco and games of spotlight at night.

Our walk from Te Haumi to Opua:

Paihia Beach:


Sunday, 3 March 2019

Descriptive sentences

We have been reading Whetu Toa and the Magician as part of #NZReadAloud. This week we wrote sentences to describe Whetu Toa and her mother arriving at the magician's house.

We also did some illustrations of our own to show what we have learned about the main character and shared them on Edmodo.