Friday, 28 June 2019

Fire Brigade Cup

On Wednesday we all walked down to Lindvart Park to compete against other schools in the Fire Brigade Cup. We could choose to play netball, hockey, Rippa rugby or soccer and we have been practising every week this term. We all had a fantastic day even though we didn't always win. When we got back to school we were exhausted and our feet were sore. It was a long day!

KWS 1 vs KWS 2 - our last game of the day for Rippa Rugby

Our first game was KWS1 vs Ohaeawai School.

Room 3 Players of the Day!

Saturday, 22 June 2019

Class speech competition

This week we had a speech competition in class. Nathaniel from Room 13 and Jade from Room 12 were our judges because they represented Kaikohe West School at the interschool competition. They did an excellent job. Most people wrote their speeches about looking after Papatuanuku. Aurora won because she had the loudest voice and she was very persuasive. The prize was $5 cash! Our runner-up, Jayden, received a bag of lollies which he shared with the class.

Saturday, 15 June 2019

Duffy Theatre, World of Maths and electrical circuits

This week Duffy came to school and performed a show for us. Duffy got stuck in the Magic Bricks game and it was hilarious.

We also did a lot of Maths problem solving this week when World of Maths came to our school:

Finally, on Friday, Room 1 came to work with us on our electrical circuits topic. We visited the Science for Kids website to play an interactive game. Some of us found it challenging but we didn't give up.

Friday, 7 June 2019

Healthy drinks and Blurbs about books

Whaea Fui came back to teach us about healthy drinks. It is amazing how much sugar is in some drinks!

Water and milk were the only drinks with no sugar in them.

The Gold reading group read a book called Haunted House and wrote a blurb to encourage somebody else to read their book. Eklypze did a great job of making us want to read Haunted House:

Monday, 3 June 2019


Mrs Wallace came in to teach us about being Cybersmart. We learned the difference between personal and public information and what should and shouldn't be shared online.

If you want to check out what we did have a look on our class site: