Saturday, 31 August 2019

Maker space and measuring trees

We have a new Maker space in our classroom where we can let our creativity run wild. Here are some of our first creations:

Monique and Tailah made a house.

Yozarna made a handbag for the teacher.

Patungahere made beautiful patterns.

Eklypze made Flynn from our Dragon Defenders read aloud.

Thanks to Squawk Squad, we learned how to measure really tall trees with just a pencil and a metre rule. It was nice to get outside in the beautiful end of winter weather.

Friday, 23 August 2019

Waiata concert practice

We were shivering. We couldn't feel our feet. The icy wind froze our ears and noses. It felt like we had been waiting for 100 years. When will it be our turn? 
Finally, we lined up next to the stage with butterflies doing somersaults in our stomachs. Our waiata was spectacular. Everybody cheered!

Sunday, 18 August 2019

Compliments, Food for Life and sketch notes

We have been learning to give compliments that are strengths based and not about how people look. We are using the Compliments sheets from School Kit to help us.

Food for Life came to school on Monday and we had yummy potatoes and rice for lunch followed by some delicious custard. This week the school paid for all students ($2 each). Next week students are asked to give a $1 koha for their meal.

Waiting patiently for our yummy kai
We have started reading Dragon Defenders 4 All is Lost as part of #NZReadAloud. We did some sketch notes while listening to Mrs Bingham read.

Sunday, 11 August 2019

NZ Birds, Squawk Squad and VR

We have been learning about birds that are endemic to New Zealand. First we read the book New Zealand Birds. Then we each wrote about our favourite bird using the information we found. Here is Ahzaria-Lee's mahi:

We are also learning to be kaitiaki for Aotearoa with Squawk Squad. They sent us some VR headsets to follow Squawk's Journey. Here is Teaaoterangi trying them out:

Virtual Reality is awesome!

Monday, 5 August 2019

Dragon Brothers

Room 3 has been reading books about dragons. Some of the books are written by James Russell. He is a New Zealand author who writes books about dragons. He has written a series of books called Dragon Brothers. He has picture books called Dragon Brothers Trilogy and a chapter book series called Dragon Defenders. We are reading Book 4, All is Lost as part of #NZReadAloud.
Mrs Bingham's friend, Whaea Kaye, won all 7 Dragon Brothers books, a T-shirt, a tote bag and a display stand. She gave them to our class!