Saturday, 30 November 2019

Stop Motion

We have been practising making stop motion movies. Here is one that Nesta and Lee-Ayla made together:

Saturday, 23 November 2019

Sentence length

We have been learning to change the type and length of our sentences so our writing is more interesting to read. Lee-Ayla produced a wonderful example of this:

Sunday, 17 November 2019

Copper reactions and poetry

We have been learning to make careful observations in Science. This week we investigated copper reactions. We found out that if you want your 10 cent coins to be shiny the fastest way is to put them in vinegar and salt! You should try it.

We also illustrated a very sophisticate poem called 'Bird in the Classroom" by Colin Thiele. There were some great illustrations but Tailah's really captured the mood of the poem:

Friday, 8 November 2019

Halloween prizes and recycled T-shirts

We learned how to make recycled bags from old T-shirts. Gill from Wastewise came into our class to help us.  Here are some of our creations:

We had more winners from Room 3! This time it was a Halloween colouring in competion. Jayden, Ibanez and Calaise each received a big bag of fabulous prizes:

Friday, 1 November 2019

Gardening with Pappy

Room 3 have been getting gardening tips from our caretaker, Pappy. He helped us plant a peach tree in the carpark garden and we collected some puriri seeds and planted them.

Tamati carried our tree to its new home.

Pappy cut a hole in the weed mat for us.

Ashleigh helped dig the hole.
How long will it be until we can eat some peaches?