Saturday, 29 February 2020

Mophead and yarn dolls

This week we started reading a fabulous book called Mophead for our New Zealand 
Read Aloud. The book is about celebrating our differences and not trying to be the same as everybody else.

 Image result for mophead

We made some dolls from wool and string:

Jayden winding wool around some card to start the process.

Jayden's yarn doll

Patungahere and her yard doll made from cotton string.

Exklypze with her doll made from wool.

Saturday, 22 February 2020

Pipe cleaner names

This week we moved to 3 dimensional art and made our names with pipe cleaners. Some of us met the extra challenge and got our name to stand up by itself.

Sunday, 16 February 2020

Reading masks and nature art

Shaniadawn and Koroua worked together on the play King of the Beasts.

We made the most of the beautiful weather and took our mahi outside on Friday.

Friday, 7 February 2020

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

We have been learning about Te Tiriti o Waitangi and we made a movie trailer to show some of our learning:

Sunday, 2 February 2020

2020 Whanaungatanga

We started school on Thursday and have spent our first two days team building, setting goals and discussing expectations for our new year. Room 8 will be our buddy class this year and we have lots of exciting art projects to share with them.

Counting our new Countdown tiles (Thanks Mrs Birchall!) making groups of ten.

Koroua, Ibanez, Yozarna and Tamati worked together to make a house.

Our buddy class working with us to create name posters.

Ahzaria-Lee and Haalo showing fabulous tuakana-teina whanaungatanga.